Paper Submission Guidelines for Late Breaking Papers, Position Papers and Abstract/Poster Papers
The submission system is closed now.
We welcome contributions through late breaking papers in form of late breaking papers of up to 7 pages, double-column IEEE style, which will be presented in plenary presentations, and position papers of 4 pages, to be presented in formal plenary sessions or informal poster sessions. In addition, we welcome extended abstracts & poster papers of 2 pages which will be presented in informal poster sessions. The three current categories for submissions are defined as follows:
- LBP: describe late-breaking/recent developments in the field. The maximum number of pages is 7. Please write the following on the first page of your submission „ICDATA’19: LATE BREAKING PAPER“. If accepted, The length of the final/Camera-Ready paper will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE style) pages and the author will be given the opportunity to present the paper in a
formal session. - PP:enable discussions on emerging topics without the experimentation normally present in an academic paper. Commonly, such papers will substantiate the opinions or positions put forward
with evidence from an extensive objective discussion of the topic. The maximum number of pages is 4. Please write the following on the first page of your submission „ICDATA’19: POSITION PAPER“. If accepted, The length of the final/Camera-Ready paper will be limited to 4 (two-column IEEE style) pages and the author will be given the opportunity to present the paper in a formal session. - APP: describe research roadmaps (similar to PhD plan or PhD prospectus). The maximum number of pages is 2. Please write the following on the first page of your submission „ICDATA’19: ABSTRACT/POSTER PAPER“. If accepted, The length of the final/Camera-Ready paper will be limited to 2 (two-column IEEE style) pages and the author will be given the opportunity to present the paper in a discussion/poster session.
Explanation of Deadlines for LBP, PP, APP
Extended Submission Deadline June 20, 2019
Extended: June 20, 2019: Submission of papers
- LATE BREAKING PAPERS (maximum of 7 pages);
- POSITION PAPERS (maximum of 4 pages);
- ABSTRACT/POSTER PAPERS (maximum of 2 pages)
Extended (for papers submitted after May 27): June 27, 2019: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
Deadline Registration and Camera-ready Papers – TWO OPTIONS (new dates):
- OPTION 1: June 18, 2019
Registration and Camera-ready Papers due: June 18, 2019
The paper will be published by end of July 2019 if and only if the Camera-ready Paper is uploaded to the publication portal AND the conference registration is done by June 18, 2019. Authors who miss the June 18 deadline, can use OPTION 2, shown below. - OPTION 2: July 10, 2019
Registration and Camera-ready Papers due: July 10, 2019
The paper will be published by September 15, 2019 if and only if the Camera-ready Paper is uploaded to the publication portal AND the conference registration is done by July 10, 2019.
Deadline Registration and Camera-ready Papers – for papers submitted after May 27, according to the extended deadline June 20:
- July 7, 2019: Registration due - July 20, 2019 Final camera-ready paper due
The final paper should be uploaded to the publication portal. The URL of the portal appears in the notification of acceptance that such authors will receive.
July 29 – August 1, 2019:
The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
(CSCE’19 USA); including ICDATA’19 and other affiliated federated/joint conferences.
General Guidelines (Draft Papers)
Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper (between 2 to 7 pages, standard 2 column IEEE style) (file size limitation: 5.0 MB). Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for presentation or publication elsewhere.
Different to practice at some other CSCE’19 conferences and different from the announcement in CSCE’s general CfP, ICDATA uses an online conference management and paper submission system, to which the draft papers must be submitted online, in IEEE-format and exclusively as a PDF-file (no doc(x) etc.). Please follow the formatting instructions for the draft paper:
- Paper Size: US Letter format (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 (210 X 297 mm)
- Paper Length: Maximum 7 pages (according to the above mentioned paper categories), including figures, tables & references
- Paper formatting: double column, single spaced, 10pt font.
- Margins: Left, Right, and Bottom: 0.75″ (19mm). The top margin must be 0.75″ in (19 mm), except for the title page where it must be 1″ (25 mm).
- The first page must include:
- Title of the paper
- Name, affiliation, postal address, and email address of each author (identify the name of the contact author)
- Abstract (between 100 and 120 words)
- Underline the name of the author who will be presenting the paper (if accepted) – This will not be required for the camera ready version!
- A maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the work described in the paper
- The actual text of the paper can start from the first page (space permitting)
IEEE Templates can be found, e.g., here.
Violations of any of the above paper specifications may result in rejection of your paper.
Code of Ethics for Authors
Prologue: In 2014, the congress had received 48 paper submissions that were in clear violation of common CODE OF ETHICS FOR AUTHORS. These 48 papers were found to include various levels of plagiarized materials or unauthorized uses of copyrighted materials. The 48 papers were detected by the congress referees at the very early stages of evaluation. These papers were rejected and copies of the reports of the violations were provided to the authors‘ supervisors and employers. Since the vast majority of the authors who violated the code of ethics were either students or young scientists, their employers/supervisors arranged for them to participate in an ethics course/workshop offered/organized by their institutions.
Unfortunately, author violation of code of ethics is becoming more common. Although, many consider such codes to be common knowledge, most major publishers, journals, and conferences have decided to post a common CODE OF ETHICS FOR AUTHORS on their web sites; see examples at:
In a committee meeting, it was decided unanimously to follow the practice of the above publishers by making available the congress’s CODE OF ETHICS FOR AUTHORS and all related issues to stake holders. Please see below.
Authors who violate the CODE OF ETHICS FOR AUTHORS shall be subject to a graduated scale of penalties which may include: reporting to the author’s supervisor; reporting to the author’s employer; providing a copy of the author’s formal letter of apology to the stake holders; reporting to other publishers; prohibition of publication for one to three years (depending on the seriousness of the violation.) Authors will be fully accountable for their violations (including any and all costs associated with such violations.)
In order to take corrective actions against authors who violate the publication ethics, the congress requires that the Contact/Corresponding authors of papers provide (in the manuscript), their professional email address (i.e., on institution’s/employer’s servers); if an author has to use a freely available email address such as gmail, hotmail, … then the provided email address must have web footprints to the author and to his/her institution on the web: such as the homepage of the author at his institution’s servers which includes the author’s email address, …).
Author violations include but not limited to:
- The use of any diagrams, figures, pictures, tables, or illustrations that belong to third parties without permission from the owners.
- The use of copyrighted materials without permission.
- Plagiarism at various levels: un-credited verbatim, significant self-plagiarism; un-credited and improper paraphrasing of pages or paragraphs that have already been published; …
- The paper/manuscript/poster submitted by the author is NOT a legitimate scientific article and/or violates common ethics. Examples include, but not limited to: topics are not relevant; falsified results/work; results are not reproducible; commercial article; use of profanity; inclusion of inappropriate pictures; inclusion of pictures of faces of people without their permission (in particular, for papers that present „face recognition“ algorithms).
- Falsification of any kind.
Online Submission of the Draft Paper
To submit your paper please visit the online conference system for ICDATA’19 hosted by Conference Master (extended deadline for submission is June 20, 2019). Please click on the button below to access to the ICDATA conference management system for submitting draft papers:
The submission system is closed now.
If you want to submit your paper to a special session, please select an appropriate ‚track‘ within the paper submission system as well as an appropriate paper category (LBP, PP, APP).
Please do not send papers by email! Emailed submissions will be rejected without further notification.