Special Sessions

All special sessions are open to attendees of all conferences held at CSCE.

The following special sessions are approved so far and will be hosted by ICDATA (as of March 07, 2024):

1) Real-World Data Mining & Data Science Applications, Challenges, and Perspectives

Please inform interested colleagues etc. You can use the CfP (pdf) that can be downloaded (see buttons below) for distributing info.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer Nature.

Special Session on Real-World Data Mining & Data Science Applications, Challenges, and Perspectives

Call for Papers

Organizer: Mahmoud Abou-Nasr,
Adjunct Faculty at the University of Michigan Dearborn, CIS Department (Computer & Information Systems), abounasr@umich.edu

The past decade has witnessed a vast growth of the amount of data produced and the proliferation of specialized databases in a wide range of business, industrial, medical and scientific applications. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool in the process of knowledge discovery and the transformation of data into valuable information. The objective of this special session is to provide a forum for the data mining, data science researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss data mining and data science applications, issues, and the challenges that arise when addressing real-world problems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Enterprise knowledge management/knowledge discovery
  • Corporate planning
  • Direct marketing
  • Credit scoring
  • Forecasting
  • Automotive applications
  • Medical decision making, diagnostics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Text and image recognition

Challenges to be addressed include but are not limited to:

  • Highly skewed data sets
  • Massive and high dimensional data sets
  • Non-stationary data
  • Unknown misclassification costs
  • Missing and noisy data
  • Business process issues

This pecial session of ICDATA will cover all aspects of data mining and data science applications. The special session will be held during the ICDATA’24 conference, July 22-25, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. All papers should be submitted using the standard procedures for ICDATA papers. For your submission of the draft paper, please select the Track RWACP – Special Session (Real-World Data Mining & Data Science Applications, Challenges…) in the paper submission system

Any questions should be directed to the special session organizer or to the chair of the ICDATA conference.

Download CfP RWACP (pdf)